Our Mission

Our Mission

"Our mission at Govt ITI women DumerkhaKhurd Jind is that every Women student of our's become a successful story". To create an advanced center of professional learning international standard where pursuit of knowledge and excellence shall reign supreme, unfettered by the barriers of nationality, language, cultural plurality and religion. Govt ITI women DumerkhaKhurdJindis not just a technical institute which impart modern world class technical/industrial education but an experience where everyone associated is a part of our dream, a mission to see that India become super power by 2025. To make successful story we have to provide industrial focused project based quality education to attract best student across the world, training & expertised to improve the quality of life by improving the capabilities of human resources thinking process which will groom young future leaders to be complete value driven human beings & competent professional with a deep passion for our country. These will be the people who leads India & who leads the world as we have the intelligence, the talent, and the potential be the most successful technocrat in globalize industrial world. To bring all these in to physical realities we have analyzed carefully the basic differences that exist between private and public sector, & strategy planned development has been formulated to draw up their operational plan in complementary way to realize the planned objective. Govt ITI women DumerkhaKhurdJindset before the twin task to reorient education and research towards the need of all the sectors and to establish the link between the national economic planning and to development of private enterprises in our country.As a training institute Govt ITI women DumerkhaKhurdJindis synonymous with practical, industry centric technical education with collective mission, team work skills, leadership skills physical ability and discipline imbibed for total training to shape extraordinary student technocrat/ leaders for shaping the future of the nation towards fulfilling the dream of our nation & mission as "Skill India" being the main thrust of Govt. ITI women DumerkhaKhurd Jind