Govt. Industrial Training Women Institute , DumerkhaKhurd will continue its efforts toward the capacity, expansion and quality improvement in the field of Industrial Training with a view to achieve excellence in the training. Industrial Training Institute was commenced by department of Industrial Training & Vocational Education, Haryana. To enrich and empower all individuals through improved Employable Skills/ Knowledge in nationally and internationally recognized qualifications to gain access to decent employment. The motive of this institute is to technically train the youth with full facilities provided by Haryana Govt. in shape of Good infrastructure and technically expert instructor under the supervision of Qualified & experienced Group Instructor in order to prepare technically sound persona / worker to enhance the Industrial production...
Government industrial training Institute is an amalgamation of competent teachers, state-of-the-art infrastructure, an idyllic setting and an experienced and efficient administration. The school came into existence with the vision of creating a safe and supportive environment for its trainees – to provide a perfect balance of academics, sports, artistic and social opportunities. Childhood, youth and learning should be a joy and we strive for that. Government industrial training Institute aims at holistic growth and development of its trainees. The institute’s genuine concern ensures student’s emotional growth along with intellectual excellence. This empowers them to develop their self-esteem, self-awareness and self-confidence...
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